October and Letting Go

decluttering fall grief letting go playlist podcast self care Oct 06, 2024

Hello, Dear One.

Earlier this week, I was on a call with my creative business owners group I'm a part of, and our group leader mentioned that not only is this week the beginning of a new month, but also the beginning of the last quarter of 2024. In a world where productivity reigns supreme, he posed the question: “Instead of adding more to our proverbial plates, what are we ready to let go of this last phase of the year?”

I knew instantly what that was, but I’ll get to that in a sec.

It's officially fall, and we are officially in the season of letting go. The trees are letting go of their leaves and the world prepares to go dormant for winter in our little corner of the world (and it’s almost time for my annual read of my favorite book, WINTERING by Katherine May). During this season, the veil between worlds is thin, and life can feel a little too exposed as we shed our skins, our leaves, and our beliefs for something better, something new. I also lost a dear friend of 30 years last week, and everything just feels raw as I grapple with a letting go that I wasn’t ready for. Life is precious, my friend. I really understand the urge to hang on for dear life, as there's so much emptiness when there's a hole to fill.

And it's uncomfortable. This release of the old doesn’t come without the feeling of risk. We are creatures of habit, after all, and it can feel scary to let go of something we are attached to for whatever reason. But as we age, change, and grow, some habits and processes need a tune-up.  And we can’t tune up without tuning in.

So as we start this last quarter, I ask you: What do you need? What aspect of your life needs loving attention? What habit, relationship, or item is no longer a fit for you? How can you simplify your life, and maximize your efforts for the greatest return?

Here are a few things that have felt good to me lately, in the spirit of letting go:

  • Decluttering my computer desktop- organizing and deleting files

  • Releasing high expectations of myself- softening and allowing myself to be in the moment

  • Clearing inactive contacts out of my email list

  • Auditing my efforts vs return and committing to changes in how I have given my time and energy

  • Changing out summer to fall wardrobe- with a donation bag VERY nearby

Here are some feelings that can show up when you start letting go:

  • A sense of calm

  • Mild panic that you may be making the wrong choice

  • Relief

  • Amazement at how much space you get back 

  • Sadness as you grieve past relationships and past versions of yourself

  • Reluctance to let go

…and it’s all okay.

So here is something I am letting go of: I’ve made some changes with MOVE AND WIN, my workout platform. If you are already a subscriber, you got an email this week, but if you’re not and want to know what the subscription includes now, CLICK HERE to learn more (and enjoy the new reduced price of just $19/month). With the space I'm creating through these changes, I'm able to free up creative energy AND take care of myself in the process, while still delivering a workout per week to you (INCLUDING menopause specific workout formats, if that's your thing).


Check out and enjoy my October playlist.

I am loving the Everything is Fine podcast, a podcast for women over 40 hosted by Jenn Romolini and Kim France. Just so much fun. 

As we navigate the ups and downs of life, I wish you lots of grace and tenderness.  And if you need additional support in your menopause journey, please go HERE because I have so many ways of working with you right now that can fit any timeframe and budget. Feel free to foward this newsletter to a friend who needs it!

Hold your loved ones tight, and enjoy your warm beverages, crunchy leaves, and spooky season goblin activity. I'm here for it all.


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